The Real Women Of Amazing Jane - Meet Aileen & Karen

The Real Women Of Amazing Jane - Meet Aileen & Karen

We don't use models for our photoshoots, we use our amazing customers & friends because they are the

Real Women of Amazing Jane.


We are friends, nutritionists, and runners and founders of Runners Health Hub and co-hosts of She Runs Eats Performs Podcast.


As well as being professionally qualified BANT and CNHC Registered Nutritional Therapists, we are busy working women, who run for health, fitness, achievement, and fun. We are also foodies! FOOD FIRST is our mantra! We love talking about (and eating) delicious, healthy, everyday REAL FOOD and we know how transformational nutrition is for every aspect of life.


At Runners Health Hub we offer a range of personalised nutrition programmes including our signature programme Healthy Woman Healthy Runner which guides mid-life women through a step-by-step method helping them shape-up, rebalance female hormones and how to eat for running results.


Launching She Runs Eats Performs Podcast was our lockdown project! Three years later we are proud to have listeners all around the world and delighted to be collaborating with Amazing Jane Founders, Claire and Deb and welcoming Amazing Jane ACTIVEWEAR as our show sponsor … women supporting women!


In our free podcast She Runs Eats Performs we help mid-life female runners of all abilities achieve great health and good shape, whilst staying injury-free with easy to understand sports nutritional concepts and easy to implement tips and plans.

We welcome non-runners too! JOIN us and listen to She Runs Eats Performs!

Our listeners are active women who value their personal health and well-being. They are likely to be in the menopause transition and feeling uncomfortable with the physical changes they are experiencing. You don’t have to out up with these menopausal symptoms.

Please JOIN US and we’ll help you transition the menopause, and let the menopause be a positive phase of your life.

Listen for free to She Runs Eats Performs if you want to be in the driving seat and in control of your future health and performance, using real food and lifestyle as your guide.


5 Questions with Karen & Aileen



What does your version of active look like?


Karen: My version of active is incorporating some form of exercise into my routine 6 days per week – running or strength training. I have discovered a love of trail running and I’m sometimes joined by Bella my Labrador (she’s often in the background when we record our podcast too!) I always include one rest day for pure recovery so I have sufficient energy to see me through my ACTIVE days!


Aileen: I love being outdoors. I do short runs locally in parks, along the riverside and the coast. At weekends I enjoy a park run and a hike usually in Northumberland. I love a walking holiday – my next one is the Portuguese Camino, covering 150 miles in 13 days. I attend regular reformer Pilates classes and do a couple of strength training classes every week too.



Where do YOU rank on your priority list and why?


Karen: Maintaining a daily exercise routine ensures that I put my needs at the top of the ranking at least once every day. Outside of this, personal needs tend to move to third place with family and work ranking above.


Aileen: I’ve learned (over many years) that putting myself first is not selfish but essential. It’s important for me to feel fit, healthy, energetic, and calm, so I can be my best for everyone and everything important to me.


        Give us a positive and negative of getting older:



Positive – more confident and less concerned with what others think about me.

Negative – Grey hair – I just don’t like it as it is “wiry” – colouring it does not make it any softer!!




Positive – I worry less about the past and the future and enjoy the present! I’m happy to be me!

Negative – My bug bear is “post menopause weight gain” but as I get older, I focus on energy, strength and flexibility and not dress size!



What challenges do you face when trying to remain active?


Karen: The only challenge I face is the age-associated increased risk of becoming injured. Otherwise, remaining active is one of my daily priorities.  


Aileen: I have the early stages of Osteoporosis so I’m very conscious of my bone health and have become a bit “risk-averse” so NO running on icy roads or jumping off rocks for me!



What draws you to the Amazing Jane brand?


Karen: You are real women producing beautiful activewear for real women. Your brand targets women of all ages, shapes and sizes so it is very inclusive…I also like the idea of the “Tracker Leggings” as I run long distances….often on hills and trails.


Aileen: I love the Amazing Jane ethos of “show up as you are” and that you champion REAL Women. Whatever our shape and size, we all love to feel good, so having beautifully designed activewear which not only looks great but does the technical job too, sets us all up for success.


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